Thursday, January 28, 2010

Episode 14.5 - Fans Extra - The More, The Merrier: Hilary's Ex-Work Spouse, John Morgan!

Hilary's ex-work spouse, John Morgan, is in the studio and he clues us in to some parts of Hilary we've never heard before - right on!
(Be patient, may take a few minutes to download)
Time: 53:00


Hilary and Edward T welcome John Morgan, Hilary’s Ex-Work Husband into the studio. Rather than find out more about John, Edward T decides he needs to bitch and so it happens again.

Edward T has a theory that morning people are grouchy, and Hilary then declares she is a morning person (?). John disagrees. So does Edward T.

We also find out that Hilary drives like a dude!

Then the group catches up on the holidays: John visited his family, Hilary ate chocolate and got hurt, which spurs discussion of socialized medicine. Edward T worked during the holidays. No wonder he's so grumpy.

He also rants about people who don't pay attention to what he says. What’s new?

It turns out that John doesn't have much love for Facebook; then Edward T tells a story of almost putting his foot in his mouth, stopping himself for the first time, perhaps ever.

Hilary is amazed that it's 2010 already, what the hell?! Then, come to find out, Hilary and Edward T actually agree on something, they both love the film "Blade Runner", which leads John and Edward T to recommend "The Watchmen" to Hilary.

Blade Runner:
Warner Bros. Official Website (Pretty Cool Trailer with Great Visuals):

The Watchmen:
Movie Trailer on YouTube:


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