Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dance First, Think Later | ETM-Hilary Kemp Show 31

Hilary wants to dance - so what's new, right? She explains to Edward T why it means so much to her, and ETM reveals what he REALLY thinks of dancing.
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Time: 57:58

Dance First, Think Later

"Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order." - Samuel Beckett

Hilary wants to dance - that's nothing new. She also wants to talk about dancing. Yeah, well, that's nothing new either. But this time, she actually gets to do so!

Before she tells Edward T why she likes dancing so much, ETM plays a clip recorded at "City Hall" with his hetero guy friends. Turns out he is not alone in his feelings about dancing. And what are their feelings on this, after all? Find out!


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